Monday, December 15, 2008

I would like to update everyone-we are anxiously awaiting the UPS man each day!! As soon as your order arrives, you will receive a phone call and then a delivery!! Our lab is working overtime to get all orders finished A.S.A.P!!!!!

Thank you so much for your patience-this is such a busy time for everyone!!

Take time to enjoy the season with your family. We decorated gingerbread houses this weekend, our annual tradition. So much fun, my kiddos are sooo creative!!

Thank you!! Kim

Friday, December 12, 2008

This is precious little Eoin. I just want to pinch those cheeks!! He was such a good baby for our photo session-even though it was so cold!!
Below is his cousin, Aiden.

Precious little Aiden whom I had the pleasure of photographing! She was such a joy and was so good for the camera! Such a happy little girl!
I had so much fun photographing both of their families.
I had the pleasure of designing their Christmas cards as well!